Annette Rugolo: Master Dowser, Soul Coach, Author and Teacher

Annette Rugolo believes that we all have a soul purpose, a reason for being on the planet at this time in the Earth’s history. Stepping into that purpose and believing in oneself is one of our greatest challenges, and it’s important to remember that we do not need to do it alone.
The information and tools Rugolo has worked for over the past 20 years have created profound shifts for the many people that have worked with her, both in the U.S. and internationally.
Rugolo’s purpose is to help us step into our hero’s journey with greater ease.
Services Offered: Soul Retrieval, Karma Clearing, Environmental Healing, Space Clearing, Spirit Release, Transformational Products, Classes.
Philosophy of Healing: Much of the dis-ease we experience is the result of the various energetic patterns, blocks and deeply held karmic energies that have been created both in this lifetime and past lives. These patterns and energies we carry in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies affect our overall health. When we have the willingness, awareness and the tools, we can release these patterns and bring the body back into a place of balance and healing.
For more information, visit

Uplifting Your Self and Your Home for a New Year
The "energetic dust” created by our negative emotions and thoughts add to the clutter of our homes just as physical clutter does, causing a heaviness. See tips on how to allow new energy ... Read More »

How Healthy is Your Home?
Your home has its own unique personality and would love nothing more than to be a safe haven for you and your family. More importantly, a healthy home can support you in your own health. Read More »

Annette Rugolo - NA, Chaska, MN
Annette Rugolo is an Author, Global Teacher, Speaker, Environmental Healer and Soul Guidance Facilitator. With almost 20 years of experience, she provides tools of transformation that su... Read More »