Cadence Chiropractic Believes Motion is Life

Cadence, by definition, is a measurement of flow or rhythm. It is the goal of Cadence Chiropractic to help their clients achieve fluid motion in their spine and consistent forward progress towards their life goals so they can live a healthy and happy existence. The practice is owned and operated by two female chiropractors, Dr. Aleshka Santini and Dr. Amanda Haeg.
Cadence Chiropractic uses a modern technique called the Pierce Results System of Analysis which is a biomechanical analysis of spinal motion, utilizing “stress views” of the spine to determine the loss of spinal function. “It’s extremely precise and provides measurable outcomes, allowing your progress to be examined along the way,” says Haeg. “There’s no popping or twisting involved, either — it’s gentle and noninvasive.” Cadence Chiropractic is the only office in the upper Midwest that utilizes this system of analysis, which includes motion x-ray to give a thorough understanding of your body’s movement patterns.
“We are passionate about educating our community about how the human body is designed to heal, and how gentle, specific chiropractic care can help your spine last you a lifetime,” says Santini.
Cadence Chiropractic offers a complimentary consultation to first time clients to discuss how they can help you achieve your optimal level of health. Location: 6409 City W Pkwy, #105
Eden Prairie. For more information, call 952-855-765 or visit