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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

Natural Awakenings Twin Cities November 2021

Featuring: Conscious Dying and Brain Health

Letter from the Publisher

Candi Broeffle

With fall fully in place and winter just around the corner, I celebrate the beautiful changes that are taking place all around us. In late autumn, I find myself sensing the slowing down of our natural world. The animals are busily preparing for the winter ahead, the plants and trees are releasing their leaves and beginning their dormant stage. You can feel the finality of this cycle in our life.

The beautiful thing about this is knowing that our rest time is quickly approaching, so we can be prepared for the increased energy of spring. I encourage you to allow yourself to rest, become present and enjoy what is ahead as much as you can—rather than dreading the oncoming winter.

Becoming present, slowing down and relaxation, along with proper nutrition and exercise, are all things we can do to improve and maintain our brain health. Understanding our repetitive thoughts, resolving resentments, and releasing regret and worry help us to balance our mental health, key to maintaining a healthy brain.

Over the decades, I have cared for dozens of people who’ve had significant mental decline, including my grandmother and mother. Both of these loving and powerful women were taken from us much sooner than they should have been, and the mental decline caused the death of the person we knew years before they actually physically left this Earth.

Both my grandmother and mother acquired adult-onset diabetes in their early 40s. They had years of struggling to maintain their diet, sometimes successfully, and more often not. We watched as this disease slowly took their eyesight, mobility and memory. They both tried for years to find a plan that would work for them, only to fall back into their old way of being. Most of us do this and I am certainly not passing judgement.

Losing both of these beloved women at age 67 (yes, both died when they were 67 years old), and seeing their struggles that lasted five to 10 years of their lives, make me more cognizant of my own lifestyle changes. It seems more people than ever are becoming serious about their health and well-being, and are making the needed changes to ensure their optimal balance and wholeness.

This month’s issue is once again full of valuable information and tips to help make better choices. We continuously commit to bringing you the leading-edge information you need to live your best life today and for many years into the future. 

Wishing you a beautiful journey!


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